The Justice Advisory Council's (JAC) Request for Proposals (RFP) have been issued for Violence Prevention, Recidivism Reduction, and Restorative Practice/Restorative Justice grant opportunities. During this RFP cycle, a total of $4,680,000 across twenty two opportunities at three funding levels are available.
The grants include:
Ten 24-month Violence Prevention Demonstration Grants of $300,000
Six 24-month Recidivism Reduction Demonstration Grants of $200,000
Six 24-month Restorative Practice/Restorative Justice Demonstration Grants of $80,000
The grant period is from December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2022.
Grant applications are here and must be submitted to JAC offices at 69 W. Washington St, Suite 1110, Chicago, IL 60602 by Friday, July 31 at 3:00pm.