The Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways announced the list of 35 projects that will receive funding under the 2024 Invest in Cook grant program. A total of $7,995,113 will be distributed across 30 municipalities and will fund four transit, six bicycle, 12 pedestrian, one freight and 12 road projects.
Funded projects in the 14th District include:
Village of Glencoe, $100,000 for Preliminary & Design Engineering
The Village of Glencoe has been awarded design engineering funds to improve the south end of Green Bay Trail and fill a 1,000 foot sidewalk gap on the east side of Sheridan Road. The proposed project will consist of a shared-use path on the west side of Old Green Bay Road within the existing Old Green Bay Road right of way, however, other alternatives will be explored. A key issue will be determining the UP Railroad property line and designing the path to stay within Village right of way. The new sidewalk will complement the recently completed Green Bay Trail Improvements between Maple Hill Road and Park Avenue and at Hazel Avenue.
Village of Northbrook, $250,000 for Construction
The Village of Northbrook has been awarded funding to construct a side path on Shermer Road from Walters Avenue to Willow Road. The project will install bicycle facilities where none currently exist while providing a multimodal connection to downtown Northbrook, area transit facilities, and Glenbrook North High School. The project will also form a link to a multi-use path recently completed by the Village of Glenview, supporting a more connected countywide low-stress network.
Village of Northfield, $130,808 for Design Engineering & Construction
The Village of Northfield has been awarded design engineering and construction funding to implement ADA curb ramps along Bosworth Lane between Wagner Lane and Avon Avenue. Bosworth runs east/west through one of the Village’s most densely populated neighborhoods and there are currently no north/south curb ramps along the roadway; new curb ramps will create accessible sidewalk connections to many community spaces and an existing pedestrian bridge to Northfield’s downtown district.
City of Prospect Heights, $36,000 for Preliminary & Design Engineering
The City of Prospect Heights has been awarded Phase II Engineering funding for the Elmhurst Road Sidewalk Connectivity Project between Forums Court and Hintz Road. This project aims to connect sidewalks, enhance safety, promote pedestrian, and bicycle transportation in the Village which currently over half of the city does not have.
Invest in Cook grants help municipalities further their transportation projects by covering the cost of planning, engineering, right-of-way acquisition and construction associated with transportation improvements sponsored by local governments and private partners. Past projects funded by Invest in Cook have gone on to receive $3.00 of local, state, or federal funding for every $1.00 of Invest in Cook awards. This program is designed to solicit applications for improvements consistent with the five priorities of Connecting Cook County, the County’s first long-range transportation plan in 75 years, which guides how the County invests in transportation to attract and retain businesses, people, capital and talent. Invest in Cook grants advance the Vital Communities, Sustainable Communities and Smart Communities priorities laid out in the Cook County Policy Roadmap.