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Building Healthy Communities Grant Open to Applicants

The request for proposal for the 2022 Building Healthy Communities Grant, led by the Cook County Department of Public Health, is now open.

Building Healthy Communities in Suburban Cook County grant funding will be used to strengthen the capacity of organizations that advance community solutions for racial and health equity and overall well-being. These solutions will be integral to supporting ongoing COVID-19 response, resiliency, and recovery. This grant also works to continue to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19, lessen the health, social and economic impacts, and reduce COVID-19 health disparities, especially for communities and populations hardest hit by the pandemic.

The following are eligible to receive funding as part of this RFP.

• Community-based organizations (CBOs), defined as 501(c)(3) non-profit

organizations that have demonstrated service delivery to specific populations

and/or community areas

• Community Health Centers, including free clinics, Federally Qualified Health

Centers (FQHC), FQHC “lookalikes”, and mental health centers

• Local municipalities

• Education agencies, including K-12 public school districts, local schools, and

private schools

Interested applicants are invited to apply by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 16.


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