Over the course of 2021, Cook County spent nearly $5 million on new construction, maintenance, and rebuilding of roadways, highways, and byways of all kinds in District 14.
Here are just a few of the Cook County transportation improvements made to our community this year.
Reconstruction of the Happ Road Corridor in Northfield in partnership with the Village of Northfield will improve the roadway and create sidewalks for better mobility throughout the downtown area. The County is providing $581,000 for the project.
Continued work on the $30 million widening of Lake Cook Road in Wheeling and Buffalo Grove to improve crossing at the intersection of Lake Cook Road and Wilke Road, create a continuous east-west connection between Buffalo Grove, Long Grove, and Palatine, build a 500-foot multi-use path on the north side of Lake Cook Road to access the Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve trail, reconfigure the intersection at Arlington Heights Road, and reconstruct or realign Buffalo Grove Road, Weiland Road, Route IL-83/ McHenry Road, and Aptakisic Road.
Construction of a pedestrian bridge at the Skokie Valley Trail in Northbrook to improve trail accessibility to residents.
Construction of a bike and pedestrian multi-use path on Milwaukee Avenue in Glenview to help residents safely share the roadway.
Sidewalk replacement and storm sewer improvement at Linneman Street in Northfield Township in partnership with the Northfield Township Road District.
Partnered with IDOT to alter the timing of the traffic lights near District 214 Buffalo Grove High School to make it safer for students, staff, and community members during the start of the school day as well as during school dismissal.