Recently, the Illinois Commerce Commission expanded statewide protections due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the expansion, Peoples Gas customers can reconnect their natural gas service for free.
Residential customers who were disconnected for non-payment before the COVID-19 public health emergency should contact Peoples Gas for reconnection by Aug. 25. Reconnections are only available at the same service address that was disconnected for nonpayment. Reconnection fees for disconnected customers will be waived for all qualified residential customers through Aug. 25. For customers who are LIHEAP qualified or who express financial hardship, reconnection fees will be waived through Dec. 25.
Peoples Gas will continue to help customers struggling with the financial impacts of the COVID-19 crisis through newly established support programs. Peoples Gas customers should contact CEDA directly at cedaorg.net or 800-571-2332.