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Assessor Success

Updated: Apr 12, 2019

On April 6, Commissioner Britton hosted newly elected Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi in Palatine for a resident question-and-answer session as the first stop of the Assessor's Office Countywide Listening Tour.

Attendees gathered at the Grand at Twin Lakes to hear the about milestones in the Assessor's 100-day plan as part of his reform efforts to make the system more transparent and accountable. In addition, residents heard about the assessment process, how to apply for exemptions, and how to start a property tax appeal. Assessor’s Office staff were also on hand to help residents fill out and file property taxes or exemptions. Additionally, the State Treasurer's Office joined the event to share information on the I-Cash program, which helps residents reclaim lost or forgotten assets.

Moderated by former District 34 superintendent Bill Attea, the Assessor answered tough questions from the audience about this complex and changing system. Residents asked questions about the upcoming property reassessments rolling out in Northfield, Wheeling and Palatine Townships this summer, pending state legislation, how home valuations are determined using the Assessor's new algorithm, and what residents could do to ensure fair assessments.

We were honored Bill Attea joined us as moderator. He has more than 50 years of experience in education. He served for 24 years as a Glenview School District Superintendent and now facilitates strategic plan development for school districts. He has also taught at several Universities across Illinois including the University of Illinois and Northwestern University. The Attea Middle School that is named after him, which is a clear indication of the passion he has for educating.

The Commissioner was joined by State Senator Ann Gillespie of Arlington Heights, State Representative Tom Morrison of Palatine, and Rolling Meadows Aldermen-elect Lara Sanoica.

Missed the event? We Facebook Live-streamed the entire event, which you can watch at your leisure! Or, you can check out the Daily Herald's event wrap-up and get all the details.

Recently, Commissioner Britton co-sponsored a Resolution, which was approved by the full Board, that urged the state legislature to support a Property Tax Modernization bill would give the Cook County Assessor the data they need to more accurately assess commercial properties in Cook County. This would reduce the need for appeals, support local communities in defending assessments when they are appealed, and allow local communities and school districts to more confidently budget their resources.

Check out the clip below to see Commissioner Britton ask Assessor Keigi questions during a February Cook County Board hearing based on his experience balancing budgets as a former village trustee and school board member.

There are nearly 120,000 properties in District 14 alone and property taxes are not an easy process to navigate, but our office is here to help. Our one stop shop for all things related to property taxes at There you’ll find quick links directly to county resources and forms you need most. We’ve also created guides to common, but complicated, property taxing process.



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1812 Waukegan Road

Suite C

Glenview, IL 60025

(847) 729-9300

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118 N Clark Street

Room 567

Chicago, IL 60602

(312) 603-4932



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