Over the past few months, the Cook County Board has been hard at work to develop and implement a strategy to guide the County’s work on the 2020 U.S. Census and ensure every resident is counted and the County's residents receive every federal resource they deserve.

The 2020 Census will determine the annual allocation of more than $800 billion in federal investment across states, counties and cities -- the George Washington Institute of Public Policy estimates that more than $34 billion in federal programs in Illinois is tied to the census. In addition to those investments, the Census determines Congressional representation and district boundaries to ensure fair representation at all levels of government.
The Cook County Board of Commissioners established the Complete Count Census Commission to encourage participation, increase public awareness and ensure Cook County is accurately represented. The County's 2019 budget set aside $2 million for this effort.
Members of the Cook County Board leading this effort include:
Commissioner Stanley Moore, 4th District, Chairman of the Complete Count Census Commission
Commissioner Dennis Deer, 2nd District, Vice Chair
Commissioner Alma Anaya, 7th District, Vice Chair
Luis Arroyo Jr., 8th District, Vice Chair
The additional members of the Commission are as follows (listed in alphabetical order):
Anita Banerji, Policy Director, Forefront ChicagoMarlon Everett, Director, Cardiovascular Unit, Advocate Trinity Hospital
Patrice E. Ford, Executive Director, Steans Family Foundation
Layla Suleiman Gonzalez, Director, Human Services Interdisciplinary Program
Emmanuel Garcia, Development and Communications Manager, Crossroads Fund
Sean Garrett, Chief Executive Officer, United Way
Kimberly A. Lightford, Illinois State Senator, 4th District, Senate Majority Leader
Phyllis Logan, Founder and Executive Director, Universal Housing Solutions CDC
Barbara A. Lumpkin, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer, Chicago Urban League
Lamell McMorris, Founding Principal, Greenlining Realty USA
Vanessa Valentin, Director of Organizing and Programs, Northwest Side Housing Center
Griselda Vega Samuel - Midwest Regional Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
Johnny Wilbon, VP/Marketing Manager, Bank of America